[These pictures are a wishfully warm throwback to summer months in South Carolina... I'm dreaming of the beach right now. 🥰]
Hi everyone!! I hope you're having a great weekend. I just posted a February & March video journal, and you might be realizing that March hasn't ended yet, but I will be traveling over spring break for a lot of the month so that's going to be its own video. I'm so so excited for that adventure but for now, enjoy this recap of the past few weeks! The winter always feels so slow, but as I work on these videos I always realize how many wonderful little things really do happen in my life and how when they're all put together, it's a really beautiful world. The past few weeks involved everything from a volleyball tournament to a treadmill stress test, and boy was it fun. Here's the link and be sure to check it out and enjoy!! :))
Episode 184: https://youtu.be/EGA2c_v-fFg