Hi everyone! Happy Mothers Day!! This weekend I'm excited to share a new tutorial with you that's perfect for gifts or for yourself. In my costume design class at school I recently made a tote bag from scratch, and it was really fun to paint a DIY design on it - so I thought I would make a tutorial on how to make one on your own. It's pretty easy and a super fun, and it doesn't require a lot of supplies.
+ blank canvas tote bag
+ acrylic paint & brushes
+ painting tape (optional)
+ any way to decorate the design! I used some typewriter stamps.
+ clothing iron
+ a sheet of tin foil (lol, it will make sense)
Be sure to try it out for yourself, and check out the video and enjoy!!
Episode 144: https://youtu.be/AiwE5V-4om4
My Channel: (Edith Noble) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXXLYRl1ImCPHpCqeFdilg